2.0.0 Release

Thank you for the feedback. It is super valuable for me!

Large majority of the feedback has been encouraging, but also pointed out that the game is too hard and the action is too slow. 

In this release I made couple of changes that should make the game a bit easier:

  1. New ship improvement - gyroscopes - upgrading those babies can make your ship spin like a wheel (I am still a bit hesitant about this change, as it diminishes the turret's value - but on the other hand I haven't heard anyone even trying the two player co-op)
  2. Both weapons (forward facing railgun and rotating turret) are now part of the initial ship configuration
  3. Turret rotation is isolated from ship rotation. This should make the turret more useful to mitigate gyroscopes
  4. Possibility to upgrade weapon damage. Initial weapon damage is now weaker than originally, but in the high end the damage is about 2x more powerful than before

However, I am not planning to change the game pace - I have always felt this is a kind of "submarine" simulator in space.

The download link is updated and I bumped the version to 2.0.0 because save games are not compatible with previous versions.

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